
Monday, July 27, 2020

2020 First Post!


Long time no see! It’s been a year since my last post here, so I would like to post a mandatory once a year update on this blog. Just kidding. I hope you all are safe and sound on this trying times and, unlike me, actually have something productive to do during quarantine or your work from home period. Good luck though for you guys who have to go outside with all those virus going around.

This year had started quite rough, and ever since the pandemic hit us full forces  since March, life has not been the same. Including mine. Without dwelling too much on the details, I have a lot of free times on my hands nowadays. And when I said a lot, I do mean A LOT, like, every seconds I have is pretty much spent doing nothing lol.

Anyway, I think, what is the better way to spend it than talking about what excite me the most and what help pull me through during this depressing time? YES! I will try to update this blog much more frequently from now on! You will have to remember that they key word is “try” thought. It is me you are talking about.

For starters, I will post about my ultimate fave acts in music and basically rambling about them in separate posts, each focusing on an act. I also will probably share my 2019 best music (since it has not been done yet) and my picks on the first half of 2020. I just subscribed to Netflix like a couple of months ago so expect to be hit with that in another post! Sadly, I have not read a lot of books this year. I do read books, but I don’t think you will be interested on what I truly read these couple of years LMAO (it’s mm books).

So.. there is that! Hopefully I can keep my promise and really push myself to write all of those posts. Oh, and since my laptop is broken, I’ll do all of that from my phone. Yay.

See you!


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